Features to Improve Self-Service Solutions And The Flow of Visitor Traffic in Public Spaces
Acquire Digital launches 5 new features to improve self-service solutions and the flow of visitor traffic in public spaces.
Our world has dramatically changed due to COVID-19 in the past several months. Businesses have been forced to look for new ways to overcome the plethora of operational challenges. The way users navigate this changing landscape has affected how people shop, travel, receive healthcare and education, and connect with businesses for daily services.
The demand for more contactless experiences and automation of everyday services is becoming the new norm. Organizations are turning to purpose-built technology to evolve this complex change in daily functions.
Innovations leveraging voice, artificial intelligence, and digital kiosk technology are empowering consumers to consider alternative solutions for self-service applications. As the Center for Disease Control (CDC) suggests, touching surfaces and face to face interactions should be limited in public places.
Innovations to adapt to the new normal:
Acquire Digital is a pioneer in digital signage software solutions, and is setting the new standard for what’s possible with digital signage, wayfinding, and interactive kiosks. Acquire’s improved signage functionality is designed to tackle COVID-19 concerns with new self-service software features.
These features enhance digital signage contactless experiences with the use of smartphones and voice to control the navigation of touch-screen endpoints. Let’s see how Acquire’s new features offer a complete contact-free customer experience when it comes to digital interactions.
Retrofitting touch-screens to allow contactless operations:
Since fewer people are allowed in the market, there is an increasing need for self-service interaction to navigate spaces, make payments, or check-in at airports. This means more utilization of technology including digital signage, interactive kiosks, and message boards to streamline typical experiences visitors encounter in public spaces. Acquire has enhanced its software functionality to incorporate contactless capabilities that enable new ways to interact with self-service kiosk applications.
Just before the pandemic, everything was “at your fingertips”! Now when things are to be contactless, how will you guide the machine to function for you?
Acquire is excited to launch 3 new contactless features:
Acquire Mobile Control is a contactless software that allows a user to use their mobile device to scan a QR to use a web-based trackpad to control the display. The Mobile Control functionality does not require users to download an application and provides real-time interaction without touching the screen.
Acquire Voice Control works similarly to ‘Amazon Alexa’ where users speak commands to a traditional kiosk to control its functionality and view content. Tailored for Acquire’s Wayfinder Directory application, the add-on solution is configured to leverage speech to navigate the application.
Acquire Wave enables service providers to detect a user’s hand in mid-air, converting it to an on-screen cursor, and supporting interaction methods that users are familiar with. Simple hand gestures offer full control of the application without touching the screen.
New Solution – Contactless Temperature Kiosk and Traffic Control at Public Places:
As they resume operations, businesses are looking for new ways to employ safer experiences in public places and retail environments. We asked ourselves, how can technology improve social distancing protocols by limiting the number of visitors allowed within stores or public spaces?
Acquire Digital is evolving crowd gathering technologies that can be deployed in virtually any retail or public space.
The SmartEntry system utilizes Acquire Digital’s digital signage software and the Intel RealSense Camera installed at the entrance to create a ‘traffic light system’ to inform visitors when they can enter the space.
The feature leverages facial recognition and crowd control technologies to create a footfall counter and entrance flow management system. The gathered data can be displayed on-site for easy viewing and a wide range of analytics are available within the Acquire dashboard for further analysis. If capacity has been reached within an establishment, a message will appear on the display informing visitors to wait until other visitors exit.

Combine the SmartEntry people counter with temperature screening capabilitiesby adding a body temperature thermal camera to confirm a visitor is within the ‘safe range’ to enter the facility. The on-screen messaging informs visitors if they are safe to enter to limit exposure to high risk individuals. The SmartEntry system reduces unnecessary interactions, increases efficiency, and can relieve staff members of queue management tasks.
Expanding digital directory and wayfinding endpoints to improve traffic flow routes:

To increase mapping accessibility, Acquire’s new mobile tailored Wayfinder gives users additional end-points to view property maps. Using the API , the interactive maps can be added to a property website, a mobile hand-off from a kiosk, or by scanning a simple QR code located around the property. Wayfinder features super-fast search functionality that lets users find destinations, deals, points of interest, and more within seconds of search. Users can pinch, rotate, and Zoom for easy navigation.
With the easy to use content management system (CMS) , facilities can set pre-determined routes to control traffic for turn-by-turn directions to a point of interest.
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